Computer world has come out with 7 excellent ways to keep your identity from being completely profiled by search service engine providers.
Yahoo and Google for example can easily keep track of your search footprints and identitybecause they can easily cross-check your search quaries ( your IP adresses are apparently logged ) with your log in information,say for instance Gmail.
Here are the 7 tips:-
- Dont Log into search engines or their tools.The easiest way is not to do search while you are logged in to one of their services.What you can logged in to one of their services.What you can do is open up two browers - Mozila firefox for Google services and Internet Explorer to conduct search.You might also want to keep several profiles with Mozila firefox.
- Block cookies from Google for Google keeps track of your search sessions via cookies.But Clearing your cookies can cause other helpful cookies website log in information to be cleared too.Good thing Firefox lets you block cookies from a specified source.Go to TOOLS-->Options-->Privacy Tab-->Exceptions then enter if you dont want Google to track you with those porn searches,better use Firefox.
- "Refresh"your ip IP address.This is easily done when you're hooked up to residental services.All you have to od is to turn your modem off,leave it off a while and turn it back on.
- Use a different search engine.Ixquick is a search engine that claims to delete all information about searches within two days,Unlike Google which keep track of everything.
- Dont include personal infomation in your searches.Otherwise,we're just helping them profiles about us.
- Do your sensitive searches in a public hotspot/terminal ,particularly hot spots that dont require log-ins.Just be careful though when logging into these public hotspots,for psycos might just be on the prowl to get you too!
- Avoid using your Internet Service providers (ISP) search engine,dont use it.Remember,you might have divulged a lot of information to them when applied for their service.This makes it easy for them to just keep on building your profile from there.
Thanks for your tips. even though I still don't find it necessary to hide your search, yet. I will definitely keep your tips in mind
thanks bro for your tips, I really appreciate that :)
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